Flax Seed Oil


Oil is derived from the seed of the flax plant, which was used in Ancient Egypt and Babylonia as an ointment to promote healing of wounds.

Contains the essential Omega-3, Omega-6 fatty acids, Alpha-Linolenic Acid, and Lignans which have high antioxidants levels


Contain high levels of omega-3, omega-6, & other essential fatty acids which penetrate into the hair shaft to grow the hair from the inside out. Omega-6 fatty acids are essential to great health, by supplying nutrients & restoring vitality to the scalp, follicles, and hair shaft

Dry, Brittle Hair and Hair loss are signs of essential fatty acid deficiency

Flax seed high volume of Alpha-Linolenic Acid fatty acid stop hair loss, grows the hair stronger, and prevents future dryness

Effectively prevents hair loss and fights psoriasis